Disclaimer: This is not an official website of Truman State University. Instead, it is a self-developed project of a current junior at Truman. The content of this web page is to introduce the university to its visitors and friends.

Kirksville’s weather

Spring and Summer: 

These are likely the best seasons in Missouri. They offer one of the most picturesque landscape. The whole campus is blanketed with vivid color of trees and flowers. Temperature can be frigid early spring but it gets warmer in a few weeks. However, be prepared for near 100 degree Fahrenheit if you decide to stay over the summer. 

Fall and Winter: 

Bloomy and cold as it is. I have seen nights when temperature dropped below negative 20 and snow can easily touch my knees. School would be tough and your bed becomes irresistible when you have to go to class early in the morning.


Kirksville or K-vegas ( as we normally use to call our peaceful town) is not the most exciting town that I know. Locates in North-Eastern of Missouri and is just a few miles from Iowa. It’s freezing in the winter (from Dec to late Mar) and scorching in July- the town has the scenery very much like what you would imagine about the old wild-West suburb: lazy and quiet. It only comes to live during the semester when it’s packed with students from around the world. However, stores in downtown still close at 7 pm every night, sending the town back to its tranquility- unless you’re willing to drive a little further partying hard somewhere then it will be a different story.  


36. Sport field
10. Centennial Hall
42. West Campus
35.Rec Center